Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pass Go, Collect $200

Be kind, rewind. Okay, don't mind if I do. Here is an abbreviated version of the past couple of months. At the end of the post I will share some big news (feel free to skim the pictures and go right for the jugular, if you would prefer).

Patrick finished up his senior project (the human powered wheat mill); graduated, had a graduation party with his BFF, Spenser; and kept searching for a career. All of that stuff was really great, except that searching for a job part. Applying for jobs has to be one of the most excruciating activities mankind has ever conjured up, and willingly continues to practice. Just this last week, Patrick ran a booth at the OSU Engineering Expo. He showed off his team's bike wheat grinder. While he was at the Expo he was filmed for 2 different engineering promotional videos. I didn't know my husband was going to be a movie star. He enjoyed the expo so much that he has already decided that we will take our children out of school so they can go to the expo.
All 4 Floors of Kelly were packed.

Patrick's Booth at the Expo.

We had a brief Monopoly stint, where in Patrick and I both decided that Monopoly is a terrible game for the loser and the winner. The loser loses and by the end, the winner just feels guilty for taking your money. Anyway, did you know that in 2013 Monopoly added a new game piece and retired another? What are they? For all you non-Monoploy buffs, the cat is new this year and it is taking the place of the iron (which was an official piece for 78 years!). 

The Saturn died. The wreckage yard gave us a couple hundred for it, and we salvaged the hubcaps and sold them on Craigslist. I'm a little jealous that he sold the hubbies so fast because I've been trying to sell my wedding dress on Craigslist to no avail. I've received 3 responses for it and they have all been completely sketchy and definitely fraud. The world has some real jerks. 

I was the one of the first 100 people to get in line on opening day for the new Papa Johns Pizza in town and now get 1 free pizza per month for a year. My coworker told me about the promotion, so we both played hookie from work to go stand in line. Worth it. 

I waited with Katie and Ian.

Bought Frozen for $5 at Red Box. I recently found out that most Red Box locations have a 'for sale' section. You can buy movies that are no longer new enough to be in the box, for only $5. It's so great, I think I'll watch it tonight. 

Went to a Peter Breinholt concert. I had never heard of him before, but I loved the whole concert and now listen to him regularly. In my head I keep wanting to call him Brian- oops. His most popular song is probably "What About." Check Brian out sometime. 

Patrick had plenty of interviews. The most exciting one was for a company called Terex up in Redmond, Washington. They flew him out there to interview and he got to explore the city on their dime. Despite the fact that they were paying for his accommodations, he bought cereal and milk at Safeway for breakfast.

Patrick also passed the FE (Fundamental Engineering) exam! He has been taking an FE review course for 9 weeks and then studied from a 700 page study guide. He is now Patrick Beesley, EIT. Kudo points for anyone who knows what EIT stands for. It means Engineer In Training. The initials at the end of the name thing is pretty awesome, but engineer in training sounds so junior to me. I'm proud of Patrick. I'm so glad his hard work is paying off. 

Study face.

 The Kevan and Krislyn wedding is next weekend. The event is highly anticipated. This will be my first time going to a sealing in the temple (that isn't mine). My grandpa Woods is sealing them. After this one, he will have sealed all of us siblings to our spouses. Pretty special.

My Pinterest craft for the wedding. It is a box for the cards.

Went to the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory. In all my years living here, I had never been inside. They were having an open house, so we went on a tour. It is the largest wave research labs in the US and universities from all over come to test their experiment there. I don't know what it is, but there is just something so mesmerizing about waves. I could just watch them all day.

We went to Krislyn's ballet performance. They did a gospel rock version of Esther. It was so fun. It turned into a dance party at the end. This year we didn't buy tickets to the ballet, but we were able to go to 2 performances because the ticket holders were out of town (thanks parents and thanks Davidsons). We will be buying season tickets for next season! You can check out the company here: Ballet Fantastique.

This is the actual dance party that occurred after the performance.

We're dating.


Patrick got a call Tuesday morning from Hollingsworth and Vose. Patrick's very first interview was actually with HoVo, but ultimately he got beat out for the job. Well Tuesday HoVo calls up and asks Patrick if he is still looking for employment. Uhhh... Yes! Apparently the other guy they originally hired, didn't work out. They remembered how fantastic Patrick was and decided to offer him the job. Patrick gladly accepted the job. He starts June 2nd. HoVo is located in Corvallis and makes high quality fiberglass. Patrick is called a project engineer, so he will have a variety of projects and problems to solve. 

We had actually turned in our 30 day notice at the beginning of May with a move out date for the 31st. I had given Patrick an ultimatum that if he didn't have a job by the end of May, we would move in with my parents. When we found out that Patrick got the job in Corvallis, we contacted our property managers to see if it was too late to keep living in our apartment. They said they had already approved the next tenant and we would have to move. I was pretty bummed because I actually like our apartment and haven't seen anything better online. About 3 hours later, our property managers call us up and tell us that another apartment opened up in our complex and the tenant that would have moved into our place is willing to just move into the other unit. 

It is amazing to me how everything works out. Patrick and I really trusted the Lord and moved forward with faith as we waited to get good news from a company. We recognize how blessed we are, completely acknowledging that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.