Friday, July 12, 2013

My First Birthday Being BEESley

I officially became a Beesley back in December, but it is really a long process to change your name. You have to change your SS card, your drivers license, your Facebook profile. 
I mean, I still haven't changed my email address, because who wants to do that? 
But slowly and surely, I'm becoming Beesley

This last week, I had my first birthday... as a Beesley. It was really a whole weekend of celebration. I really just claim 4th of July as part of my birthday celebration every year. Is that unpatriotic? Oh well.
 We went down to Corvallis for the 4th of July weekend. Although I've lived in Corvallis my entire life, I had never been to the 4th of July parade in town. It was pretty good. There were children on wagons, Razor Scooters, bikes, even pogo sticks. There were also adults, a section of dogs, LDS pioneers, protesters, and cars.

If you are ever going to a parade, make sure you dress up-- you get more candy that way. Patrick wore a glitter wig... all day.

After the Parade, we went to play disc golf. We played 3 different disc golf courses over the weekend, but this one was the most memorable. We were at Willamette Park, just playing a pretty normal round, until we got to hole 15. In the past, there has been a giant beehive in one of the trees on this hole; you could hear the terrifying buzzing as you walked by. Fortunately, the city had come to remove it. Yay! Then I threw my disc directly on top of a wasps nest. Not so yay. I tried to nab it, but panicked about 4 feet away from the nest. I told Patrick he had to get it. Patrick attempted 3 different times and received 3 stings. After that punishment, we decided to just leave the disc. Warning the next group about the bees, we went on playing. Less than 3 minutes later, we spot a man screaming and swearing and running away from the bees. He was stung 3 times in one go. Then we left. But this isn't the end of the story. 

We returned... with an entire bee suit (Thanks uncle Paul). 

When we came back, there were some people playing hole 15, so we waited and plotted. They asked us what we were doing and we explained the situation. One of the fellas (who was half naked, aka not wearing a shirt) thought he could just grab my disc no problemo. He got about 2 feet away and immediately realized why we brought a bee suit. There were hundreds of extremely protective wasps and they weren't going to let anything or anyone get near their nest, without the stings of wrath.

Patrick suited up and... Success!!! He reclaimed my disc from the evil wasps. 

Is this what you have to do to be a true BEEsley?

The rest of my birthday weekend was just as eventful. We went out to eat at El Sol, watched Despicable Me 2, ate shaved ice, went to OSUsed, picked up my diploma (no big deal), played dominoes, and I got presents. Happy Birthday to me.

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