Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Top 10 Moving and Groovin' Highlights

There comes a point in every blogger's blogging life when they have to apologize for not writing recently. I could do that, but I won't. It's like that time that the Louderbacks came over to our apartment to see it for the first time and Patrick and I decided not to apologize for its unkempt-ness, but instead just not be ashamed. This is how we left our house and apologizing won't make it any cleaner.

For this episode of Being Beesley, let's pretend like this is ESPN and it's late at night after all the games are over and we're going over the highlight reel. So here is the highlight reel of the past month.

Top 10 Highlights of the Month

10. Primary Program Practice: 
The Friday before the St Helens First Ward Primary program, we went to the program practice slash pizza party. The kids behaved really well during the practice (better than they behave in church... what's up with that?), until they were dismissed to the gym for pizza. All hell broke lose, which is ironic because we were in a church. There were so many basketballs being tossed, kicked, bounced, rolled, and every other verb in the English language; it was a miracle I didn't get hit. The kids were doing pretty much everything with those basketballs except actually play basketball (basketball isn't as fun when you're 3 feet tall). On Sunday the primary program went just great. We sang 2 songs in the program that were not in the children's hymn book. In my opinion, they need to update that book... and make sure to take out those songs no body knows or likes.

This was our one consistent primary student, Jonathan. Right after I took this photo, I turned the camera around to show him the photo and he said "Oh cool, you got the American flag in the picture."

The primary was mostly girls, but notice how the majority of the kids in this picture are boys. Mobbing the pizza. 

9. Patrick finished his internship: 
Good job, Patrick!

8. Thank You Card: 
After our last Sunday in St Helens, we were at home and we got a knock on the door. It was Jonathan and his mom. He came by to drop off a card that said, "Dear Bro. + Sis. Beesley, Thank you for being my greatest teachers ever. You guys taught me so many things and were so good. Please write to me when you move if you can. I will miss you very much. Love, Jonathan" (backwards "J" and all). His mom may have written most all of the note, but we still loved it. 

7. Sauerkraut Festival: 
We went to the Scappoose, Oregon Sauerkraut Festival. First of all, for those of you who don't know what sauerkraut is, don't be ashamed, we didn't either. It is fermented cabbage. For those of you who don't know where Scappoose, Oregon is, don't be ashamed either. I feel like we really got the full experience out of the Sauerkraut Festival.

Cabbage centerpieces

Cabbage bowling

Sauerkraut sandwich

6. Yo Mama's Frozen Yogurt: 
We went to Yo Mama's Frozen Yogurts grand opening and got really cheap frozen yogurt. It was so cheap we actually both went back and got another cup of yogurt. They had fun flavors and lots of topping choices that I had never seen offered before. They also had "iPads" at the tables for customers to play on. Patrick played Minecraft and I played some dress up doll game. We're five. 


5. Decorating Our New Apartment: 
When Patrick and I retire, I think we'll just volunteer as house organizers. We spent 2 days straight purely unpacking and sorting out all of our stuff in our new apartment. Here are some pictures of our new place.

Living room

Kitchen and dinning room



4. Work and School: 
I am working at Underwater Audio again and Patrick is back at OSU. The big thing for him is his senior project. He really wanted to work with his BFFFFFFFF, Spenser, but they were put in different groups. Sad. Patrick's senior project is creating a human powered wheat grinder. He's going to like it just fine.

3. Church:
 We are in the Corvallis 1st ward. That is the same ward we were in before when we were in Corvallis. This time around we have friends in the ward' Trevor and Dar Buys. They just got married last month. We are so grateful for their existence in the ward.

2. Internet: 
If any of you have tried to get internet from Comcast, I hope you did not have to suffer the way we had to suffer. I don't know how many hours we spent on the phone, but I called comcast 21 times (none of the calls were helpful). I mean I called so many times and talked to so many representatives that I could work for Comcast. This is all you have to do: 1) Ask for customers telephone number, verify with address and name 2) Ask them why they are calling 3) No matter what they are calling about assure them that you can help them 4) transfer them because you lied and actually have no idea how to help them 5) Next customer please. 

1. Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze: 
On Friday we went to a farm in Monmouth to get pumpkins and go through a corn maze. We got all the way out there just to find out that the corn maze had been ruined by the storm. It has been raining for like 3 weeks straight in Oregon, so I guess we shouldn't have been surprised about the news, but we were. We still ended up getting pumpkins. Usually I get a pumpkin like the week of Halloween and enjoy it for a few days, but having the pumpkins around all the way at the beginning of the month has been a great idea and has already invited the autumn spirit.

You can see how the corn has fallen over. Not much of a maze.

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