Friday, November 1, 2013


We are in a routine now. I go to work and Patrick goes to school. Then we eat dinner and play a game. Being in a routine is satisfying for now, but being in a routine is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from being in a RUT. What a dreadful 3 letter word. Don't worry though, we do mix it up in our lives. Here is the spice in our lives this season:

We went to an OSU volleyball game last Friday with the Buys family. It was the "spike out cancer" game and we got free pink T-shirts to support breast cancer awareness. Pretty much everyone in the crowd was wearing pink. So when we were trying to meet up with Dar and Trevor at the game we thought it would be funny to text them "You can't miss us, we're wearing pink." Indeed, it was funny.

We also joined the stake choir. We are practicing for the fireside meeting celebrating the 50th anniversary of our stake. On November 3rd at the Stake Center we are having a fireside to commemorate the past 50 years. All are invited. We are singing "Faith in Every Footstep" and "How Firm a Foundation." Both are beautiful, but this arrangement of "How Firm a Foundation" by our choir director is so so so pretty. This arrangement actually makes me want to be good at singing. I'm probably the least experienced one in the choir, but whatever.

As you may remember, a few months ago we 100%ed the Lego Star Wars game. Well, we've done it again. This time we 100%ed the Lego Harry Potter years 1-4 game. It was full of magical surprises and a few glitches. One of the glitches made it impossible for us to get the 100%, so we started over after getting 75% of the way done. Worth it.

Sunday we engineered a spider wed in our window. It is made out of yarn. I love it and am thinking it is the beginning of a new family tradition.

I've been intending to get my passport renewed for a while now, but never got around to it. I finally planned to go, but alas the government shutdown the day I was planning to go to the courthouse. If you get married, you have a year to update your passport for free. If you wait longer than a year, you have to pay for the renewal. I'm coming up on the year mark so I have to get it done soon. I formatted my own passport photo online instead of paying $10 for the courthouse to do it. It was kind of a fiasco, but ended up working out in the end. Plus, now I have 3 extra 2" by 2" photos of myself; just what I've always wanted.

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