Sunday, August 25, 2013

Elder Hollandays

This weekend was stake conference for us in the Rainier, Oregon Stake. This was a very special stake conference, though. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, the APOSTLE, came! 

They announced the news over the pulpit (or pool-pit as they say in the south (Patrick served his mission in the south)) a few weeks ago. Of course everyone was excited and we anxiously awaited his arrival. Every week in primary, they would talk about the apostle coming and went over appropriate behavior. Things they told the kids: you can't take pictures of Elder Holland, You shouldn't ask for his autograph, and you shouldn't try to go hug him because he has body guards.
 I don't think our 4 year olds knew who Elder Holland was, what an autograph is, or what body guards are. 

Saturday, the 24th, was the adult session and it was probably the best stake conference session I have ever been to. I never got board. The theme was completely about missionary work. One speaker got up, wearing a short sleeve white shirt and tie. He said he felt under dressed, but he didn't have a suit. He just got home from his mission and his suit ripped apart when he was in the mission home (his last day). Elder Holland talked last and thanked or commented to everyone who had talked prior to him in the session. To that young man, he jested that they build those suits to self destruct after 2 years. Elder Holland, has a reputation to be the "rebuker" in general conference, but I found him to be so kind and loving, humors and frank, filled with the spirit, and I could just feel his pure witness and authority when he spoke and taught. 

His Message: We do missionary work because we want people to be HEALED. This can only happen when we let Jesus Christ heal our broken selves. It was a beautiful lesson.

Sunday, the 25th, was the general session, with all the little ducklings (children) invited. We had to sit in a full Relief Society room because the chapel and cultural hall was filled to the brim. This time Elder Holland's message was to the youth. At the end of the conference he didn't have time to shake everyone's hand, but he invited all the children up to shake his hand. It reminded me of When Jesus said "suffer the children to come to me." Hopefully our 4 year olds were able to shake his hand and know who he is.

And, just because I like a good theme, after we heard from Elder Holland, we had hollandaise sauce over eggs benedict. Yumba.

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